Sunday, October 12, 2014

Gonna buy a dog

i need recommendations on what kind of dog to get under 1000$


  1. Buy a cyber dog cause it will never die

  2. GO TO THE HUMANE SOCIETY... please.

    Compatibility should have priority FAR above what breed you would like. Thousands of animals in shelters are put down around the country due to the shelters inability to house the numbers of strays and unwanted pets. By supporting dog breeders and pet stores, you are in turn supporting puppy mills and an industry that is forced to end the lives of innocent creatures. Go to a shelter. Find someone you love. Do not let age and appearance veer you away from saving someones life, and finding a friend who needs you even more than you want them.
    And please, understand what you are committing too. Too many dogs are being neglected in small fenced enclosures and ropes tied to trees. Every dog deserves a life of quality, and upon becoming a pet owner, you are committing to giving them everything they deserve.
    Again, adopt don't shop. Go to the humane society.
